Abstract submission is now closed
Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 26
Abstract Notification: May 20
Speaker Registration Deadline: August 28
Final Presentation Submitted: August 28

PLEASE NOTE: All Accepted Authors/Abstracts for TETS 2024 will be expected to give their presentation in-person at the TETS 2024 Symposium in Dayton, OH.

This abstract submittal process should only be used for abstracts with a Distribution A or Distribution C classification. If necessary, submit an abstract placeholder within the Abstract box on the submission page with a generic phrase, such as, “Abstract coming soon” , so that we can collect your contact information. 

Speaker presentations are to be marked with the appropriate distribution statement, and controlled unclassified information (CUI) markings. Please make sure you read and understand the rules before submission. 


By submitting an abstract for consideration, we request you obtain the necessary approvals in advance of the September 2024 symposium, before you give your talk/presentation.

Questions concerning Abstracts should be directed to Carrie Kouse

Submitted Abstracts Should Focus on One of the Subject Areas Below:

Rules For Submitting Abstracts

1. Authors should submit abstracts for consideration by completing the Online Abstract Submittal Form, accessible by clicking on the button at the top of this page. The abstract text should be within 200-300 words.
2. All submitted abstracts should include a description of content, conclusions and significance of the proposed presentation.
3. Abstract Titles must be UNCLASSIFIED, PUBLIC RELEASABLE and Non-Proprietary. Abstract Content will NOT be released to the public.
4. TETS 2024 is an ITAR Restricted Meeting. Authors presenting papers will be responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and releases prior to the Symposium.
5. Abstracts must be received no later than Friday, April 26, 2024. Abstract reviewers request that, in order to facilitate technical review, abstracts be submitted as soon as possible. A late submission will not allow time for proper review by the conference planning/review committee and may result in the rejection of the abstract.
6. All submitted abstracts will receive an email, notifying them of the acceptance/non-acceptance of the abstract. Only the primary submitting author will be sent this acceptance/non-acceptance email and it will be the author’s responsibility to notify any co-authors.
7. Authors presenting papers at TETS 2024 are REQUIRED to register for the conference and pay the associated conference registration fee. No Exceptions.
8. All Accepted Authors/Abstracts for TETS 2024 will be expected to give their presentation in-person at the TETS 2024 Symposium.

Presentation Requirements for Accepted Abstracts

What Happens if my Abstract is Accepted?

PLEASE NOTE: All Accepted Authors/Abstracts for TETS 2024 will be expected to give their presentation in-person at TETS 2024. 

Each primary submitter for abstracts will be notified by email of the decision of the TETS 2024 Review Committee. Abstract submitters who receive an acceptance letter email will also be provided with speaker log-in information/instructions. This speaker log-in information will guide each presenter through all phases of the presentation requirements for TETS 2024. All presenters will be required to upload their presentation prior to the Symposium using this speaker log-in page. An exact date for presentation submission will be contained in the speaker log-in information.

What is Required if my Presentation is Selected?
  • 50-100 Word Biography Sketch of Presenter
  • Presentation for loading onto session computers
  • Each Presentation must not exceed 30 minutes (including Q&A time)
  • Presentations that are accepted must participate at the time scheduled by the Symposium Committee
  • If your abstract is selected and you accept, you will be considered as an attending participant to the conference and will be required to register and pay the full registration by August 28.

Presentation Guidelines
  • PowerPoint presentations are preferred, but PDF can be used as well, if needed.
  • It is recommended that Presentations use a 16:9 ratio.
  • Fonts should be size 16 or higher (unless the text is a footnote or disclaimer). One tip to test if the font of your presentation is big enough is to print a random page of your presentation, place it on the floor, and see if you can read it when you stand up.
  • Send your presentation ahead of time so it can be previewed for any technical issues. Also take advantage of speaker review times to review your presentation on the equipment you will be using for presentation and in the room where you will present. This should ensure that no problems will occur on the day of your presentation.
  • Always bring a backup copy of your presentation with you just in case your main copy is lost or damaged.
Each Workshop Session Room will be equipped with the following audio-visual devices:
  • LCD Projector
  • Computer with PowerPoint installed
  • Projection Screen
  • Microphone

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